Based on the data of observation and study of birds in the wider area of the National Park, it was recorded more than 120 species of birds. Given that the area of the Balkan peninsula is one of the migratory corridors of bird migration to Africa, especially in flight or as a resting place, on the basis of literature data and data about ornithofauna of the wider area, it can be expected that the number of bird species exceeds 160 species. Until now, no endemic species of birds have been recorded in the National Park.Ornithofauna of the observed area is interesting because of the presence of certain rare and endangered species, and because of the large number of songbirds.
A very interesting species is the black grouse (Tetrao urogallus), which is quite endangered because of excessive hunting and the reduction of necessary forest habitats, and it resides in transient-protection zones of national parks. It is interesting to note that hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia) also resides here, which is quite rare and hidden species, and it inhabits forest habitats. It is often seen in the northern parts of the NP, in the area Doljani. In most of Europe, hazel grouse is threatened by a variety of forest operations, road construction, over-harvesting and deforestation.
We should also point out the corncrake (Crex crex), a very rare and endangered bird typical of wet grasslands and meadows that stretch over one part of the watercourse of the park. We also have to mention the wealth of hole-nesting birds, primarily woodpeckers (Piciformes), owls (Strigiformes), tit (Paridae), and the half hole-nesting birds from the group of flycatchers (Muscicapidae). A number of other protected bird species are also present here, among which we must emphasize the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus).